Tuesday, October 09, 2007

i am back from nashville, a very long and exhausting trip. averaged about 4 hrs sleep, and was really wiped out by the end of the week.

thanks to mony for keeping me somewhat sane! We ended the week with a wonderful dinner out, just the girls ---mony, jean and me.

now...i'm back, fully immersed and i must start planning india.


Blogger Nazila Merati said...

Well, where are we going?

Do you need an extra duffel bag for all the bling you are bringing us?

Can I offer you a small basset hound as your sherpa?

2:43 PM  
Blogger Mony said...

you forgot to mention keeping mony (or Johnny) sane by helping mony eliminate at least ten shoe choices per night

Yes, don't forget the extra trunk for our bling. Wait, is fed ex in India (yes, the whole continent)?

10:59 AM  
Blogger Nazila Merati said...

I think fedex is okay in India. But we might just want to give her money to adopt a sherpa/porter for all her stuff she's bringing us back.

I will donate two hundred dollars (that is five euros) to the cause.

Mony, can we talk about your shoe issues?

1:03 PM  
Blogger jk said...

in all fairness, mony wasn't planning to buy all those shoes, she just wanted some choices. And then opinions on her choices. Why, ann even weighed in from LA!

we don't know where we're going yet. And don't you want me to give my alms to the poor?

3:04 PM  
Blogger Nazila Merati said...

No, I want you to bring me a present. I'll be in London and Hawaii, none of the places are that interesting.

6:16 PM  
Blogger Mony said...

okay, let's figure out how this four hundred dollars of beautiful stuff is going to get to the U.S.A. I am a big fan of fed ex, since it is a memphis, tn company. they can do anything. including shipping our favorite canine sherpa there, if we book it now. but what if a cow were to come by??--there goes our loot

the shoe saga is still ongoing
it has to do with a bulging L5S1 disc muthrfuckr
even princess heels are off limits, puts mony into a cramp that rivals labor
apparently I need to revive Mouse to get some real input
fortunately ann is on the way for some real assistance, and to show off her new camper boots
woo hoo

8:10 PM  

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