Wednesday, November 30, 2005

omg, another from the Post today. From the Style roadtripping article on Williamsburg

"We bought a couple of Zywiec beers and some pirogi, then headed for the gilt-framed stage. Packed onto the honey-colored wood floor (polished by the polka?), hundreds of jeans-clad fans waited for the headlining act, Spoon. Touted as the next big thing for years, the Austin-based art rockers took the stage, all sharp drums and crisp guitar riffs, sounding like they'd finally arrived. This corner of Brooklyn felt like it had, too"

SPOON? Finally arrived? What year is this? 1998? 2001?

ok, i admit i've been found guilty of chattering while a friend is playing, but I've never been busted like this: (no wonder billy joel drinks...)

"the drinking did not seem to impair Ebert's writing. He was an alcoholic when he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1975, but he never missed a deadline and was never late for an appointment."

There is a fascinating article on Roger Ebert in the current Chicago Magazine. It's online - - - set aside some time for this one, as there's much to contemplate.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I should be a meteorologist. Or maybe I should just tell my local forecasters to keep an eye on MY schedule, because everytime I get my hair cut, it rains. Negating all of Marty's hard work, or at least some of it. (sigh)

I saw my first few light covered front lawn trees tonight---but my own neighborhood (known as gpe-wfp) is not looking so good.

How is it that I know the abbreviation for my community assocation? Because I'm the VP, damn it! We're having our bi-annual meeting tomorrow night. The prexy has asked those of us on the board (4 of us, we are a somewhat simple association) to show up early for photos.

What to wear, what to wear. ....

Monday, November 28, 2005

another fun quiz....

Your 80s Heartthrob Is

Jason Bateman

I am thrilled to see it's someone I recognized....but it's because of his time onscreen in "Dodgeball," and "Arrested Development." I have no idea what Jason Bateman did during the '80's, except smile for photos like this one.

I spent much of the '80's working a morning radio shift that forced me into bed at about 8pm, and up at 4 I didn't see much of prime time television. I remember being awake for the first episode of St Elsewhere...and then probably didn't catch another in real time until the final episode. I did, however have a VCR---and with reruns---I saw most of the series, albeit a few years late. It's another that's missing from DVD, but don't get me started......

Sunday, November 27, 2005

and if you'd like to play along at home, here's a more americanized version of the avatar maker I used.

we had fun with the avatar maker this morning. Those japanese artists just don't have the right hair, or hair color for me! The mic is a nice touch, however.

Hmm. How would I possibly post this as my blog photo?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

in case you were worried....some people still have a sense of humour.

Two fine examples today:

From my friends The Austin Lounge Lizards:


Play the second song at this link:

(of course, you must know what's being satirized to really find this a hoot)

It's the saturday after Thanksgiving. I worked yesterday, no reason to burn a vacation day.

What's on for today? I'm playing with a Nikon D70s. I am also meeting BJC to celebrate her birthday....which was last Wednesday. Yes, she's exactly 6 months younger than I - - - a fact that gets thrown in my face for about six months every year. Or perhaps I should say "some years," the ones with "0's", or "5's."

I purchased my ticket for the December London romp yesterday. Through Chicago on the way out, nonstop on the way back. I'll look on the brightside: going through Chicago will give me a better nap on the o'night flight. Pray that the ORD gods grant me clear weather, please.

Back to the gym next week. My inspiration: college reunion in May.

Friday, November 25, 2005

I realize I'm too old to swoon and moon over a popstar ---I must though proclaim my love for this man:,16525,1650603,00.html

His newspaper series is every bit as good as his songs. I believe the Guardian has them archived, so check it out.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

for your listening pleasure....

not as good as seeing it, but better than nothing!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

And one more thing for today. Why I love the New York Times, reason 21. The fantastic obit writers. There was a great tease on the front page today:
"ruth m siems, a reitred home economist whose
best known innovation will make its appearance, welcome or otherwise, in
millions of homes tomorrow, has died. Ms Siems, an inventor of the
thanksgiving mainstay stove top stuffing, was 74."

Love it: "welcome or otherwise."

Writing obits is an art, and the Times has a few brilliant staffers on that desk.

Back in the dark ages, during my first weeks in J-school, obits were our first assignment. Wonderful, old style, sad, weepy, pull out all the plugs to get a reaction, obits. Then we moved on to police stories, equally old style. You know, "all little johnny wanted for Christmas was a football." And you read on to learn of a tragic train accident the day after the holiday...and how little Johnny now has just one leg.

Hmm. Perhaps I'll have to find Charlie and see if we can dig up any real examples.

I have spent far too much time and energy this week trying to track down a copy of the famous flying turkey episode of WKRP - - a long lost TV show close to the heart of anyone who's ever worked in radio.

It's just not available on DVD.

Part of the problem is that the show was produced by MTM---which was bought and sold and dismantled and is now a part of Fox. That's why we can't find St Elsewhere anywhere. Nor Hill STreet. (which kills me---these crap comedies show up in boxed sets before the first run is even over...and these classics are lost forever)

The second problem has to do with music licensing. A big part of WKRP was the music. Which is what you'd expect from a series taking place at a radio station! When the licenses ran out, the rights holders simply stripped the songs out of the episodes, and dubbed in either generic music, or redubbed dialogue...and in doing so ruined the continuity of the program.

Anyway, back to the point: which is I've been joansing (hah!) to see the famous Thanksgiving know, the one that gave use the immortal line "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." If you've seen it, you've probably dissolved into laughter by now. If you haven't seen it, well go here:

It's almost as funny as the famous Mary Tyler Moore episode "Chuckles Bites the Dust," the signle tv episode ranked #1 on TV Guide's The Greatest Episodes of All Time.

Speaking of Chuckles, that's one I haven't seen in decades, either. But it is available on DVD.

I do see that WKRP episode is available as a torrent. Hmmm. It just isn't Thanksgiving without Les Nessman telling me about those turkeys hitting the ground "like sacks of wet cement."

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I think this link should be clickable. Don't know how long it'll be up, but give it a whirl. Use the free download, and I think you've got to wait a bit...but it's there.

This doesn't have the same stark feel as the new CD, so don't judge on this alone. However, any chance to hear Brian Wilson singing is a reason to smile.

one day i'll get the hang of this, I promise.

This weekend has been full of catch-up. Trying to get the washing under control, the pre-thanksgiving shopping, etc etc.

I spent part of today driving around, listening to the 30th anniversary remaster edition of "Born to Run." Fantastic, the package is well worth the 30+ bucks. I haven't had a chance to watch either of the films, but will do so over the holiday.

Yesterday was spent yarn shopping, and trying to find wool to work with my sheepskin coat. A scarf is def needed, but brown does not seem to be a big yarn color for this fall. Perhaps in London?

Last night: Robbie Fulks, a rare solo show. Better than ever. We talked a bit after the show, and figured it'd been about five years since we'd last chatted. Far too long! His latest CD "Georgia Hard," is one of my faves for the year. Worth checking out...

Monday, November 14, 2005

still in's been a wonderful trip, ending tomorrow. Far too soon. Every year, I come for 5 days, and every year I say "7 days next year." Well, maybe next year.

The discovery of the day: Neil Diamond's new CD "12 songs." This is not the las vegas neil diamond, nor the 20k seat arena neil diamond. Not even the brill building neil diamond. This is the rick rubin vision of neil diamond---and while that sounds like a strange pairing, it works.

This isn't exactly like the Johnny Cash projects produced so brilliantly by Rubin. This CD is 12 original songs, 12 new songs, stripped back to the basics. The "bonus disc" includes brian wilson singing on a reprise of "Delirious Love," one of the stronger tracks on the CD. It makes me wonder what Rick Rubin would do if he was able to get Brian Wilson in the studio for an entire project.

This is a very interesting disc, worth more than a casual listen. Diamond's brief liner notes explain Rubin's approach, and do a brilliant job of setting up the CD. Check this one out ---

add one a few hours later: i've had this disc on repeat in the suite, and I'm hearing more and more stuff I like. A casual listen won't get you into the songs here, you've got to give it a few spins.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Many apologies to my legion of fan (notice the humour!) for not updating this blog, but I can't seem to get used to it. Maybe it's like exercise: the experts say you've got to do it religiously for 12 weeks or so, and then it becomes second nature. So, maybe I've got to set the timer for an update every day and then it becomes a habit. Of course, writing on demand is something I'm used to, but that doesn't mean it's creative.

Anyway, greetings from glorious kauai, suite 1029 at the Grand Hyatt. Which hasn't changed much from the days that it was the plain ol' Hyatt. The biggest news I can report is of the planned expansion of the spa. Word is they're putting in bungalows for couples massages (and i hope solo massages), private jacuzzi's, and two mud pits for wallowing. Wallowing was not the word the manager used, but I think it's perfect.

BTW, I had a great massage yesterday. If you head over here, ask for Robert. Robert is also the masseuse to ask for at 10 thouand waves in Santa Fe. Great massage, as I said---but not as good as either of the two I got at Pagosa Springs this summer. Who'd a thunk it?

I haven't ventured off the premises much, though I did get out for lunch yesterday, and a quick trip to borders. I will---this is my favorite of the hawaiian islands, and there's so much I haven't seen yet.

Pictures to follow.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I don't usually get to read my horoscope til the day after....but I did have a few extra minutes waiting for my cousin the acupuncturist to show up for our appointment. Fall tuneup time, you know. Anyway, the following comes from the Washington Post.

"GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You are more than enough. You'll have to remind yourself of this about a hundred times today, as fabulous people come into your realm and make you feel a little less-than-fabulous. (This is nonsense.)"

They started picking up a feed from another syndicator a year or so ago, and the Post now carries the most entertaining horoscopes. Earlier this year, it refered to my "enlightening the great unwashed." Spot on, that one.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sad face on for this one: I am already missing aaron brown. (Even though I haven't watched his show lately.) He was, however, my salvation back in the ABC Overnight days. I suffer insomnia with the best of them, and Aaron Brown and his quirky style kept me from going nuts.
I guess I'm somewhat to blame for his demise. While I found his 9/11 anchoring stunning, I rarely tuned in to his evening program. Yes, I'd watch on the road, but the TV is rarely on when home.
Excepting Anthony Bourdain--- A.B. has his own season pass on my TIVO.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Did you miss me? I am freshly back from Nashville, where I was not crowned queen of the may, or broadcaster of the year. Fie on them. It is, as I was reminded so many times, an honor just to be nominated. Again. Yes, I am a double loser. And I must say that being able to say I've lost twice, is a bit more satisfying than only losing once. More is good. In everything but avoirdupois.

I'm sorry not to have updated while in Nashvile (whoops, freudian?), but I was busy with banjos. And drinking cup after cup of herbal tea at the public library branch of Provence. I believe we (the core group of me, ann, ruth, rob and maria) may have set a record on Friday: arriving at 11:45, and leaving at 4. I felt like a Georgetown hostess with my own salon! And then Carol Young and I did the same with irish coffee (decaf for me, thank you) at the Bridge Bar in the Renaissance Saturday night)

Highlight? None of the bluegrass. Last Train Home did a great set, (i really needed drums by then!) Greencards, too. And what little I saw of April Verch was a-one.
Actually, I think the real highlight was my trek through the archives at the Country Music Hall of Fame. They're setting up a Ray CHarles exhibit, and I got an advance look at some of the goodies---stagewear, electric pianos, and even Ray's braille edition of Playboy. No pics. So it's true...someone really did read Playboy for the articles.